While RAMC is primarily focused on promoting the critical roles of community college in America; making community college more affordable for all students; and emphasizing the link between access to community colleges and a strong middle class, our advocacy efforts do not stop there. Our advocacy for community colleges and community college students covers several other areas as well. In particular, we are strong supporters of the Campus Accountability and Safety Act.

Campus Accountability and Safety Act

Campus safety and combatting sexual assault are issues that must be wholeheartedly addressed. While RAMC members each work to address these issues at their particular schools and on their particular campuses, RAMC supports strengthening and improving federal legislation to also help address these issues.

Legislation is often offered that seeks to address these issues and clarify processes and procedures for the accuser, accused and support staff. However, any legislation must consider the unique perspectives and needs of the community college sector, where oftentimes students do not take classes on what most would think of as a traditional college campus, do not reside on a campus, may in fact take classes at multiple campuses and are often part-time students who also work. RAMC urges Congress to avoid a “one-size-fits-all” approach for any campus safety and sexual assault legislation, as this would not be in the best interest of the vast array of student populations and types of higher education institutions throughout our country.

Improvement to Existing Programs to Better Support Community Colleges

Our other commitments to advocacy for community colleges are more broad. RAMC supports a review, update and expansion of current programs authorized under the Higher Education Act to ensure such programs better serve the needs of community colleges. Potential projects this could fund at community colleges include partnerships between community colleges and businesses, programs that provide training and education in occupations identified as in-demand and other research-based interventions and supports.